Writing activity 2

      The greatest fear is walking up the stairs from my basement when it is dark .The though that someone or something may be behind me is just really scary . I also get fraked out when i watch criminal minds,horror,mystery and thriller because i think it will happen to me , but i love to watch that show so i just put up with it. I also scared of walking alone in my way back home when it is dark, I am afraid of this  because there are so many places someone could hide,One of my friend told me about something,she heard on the news about homeless who stabbed when he was walking in his village ,ever since she told me that, I have been fraked out to walking alone in a dark way, Unless i am carrying lightsaber with me. It sound scary right? Don't worry about it because now i moved my house to another place.

Thanya charchumwong 6010553504

Hi everyone Today i will talk about my greatest fear.   Greatest fear is in everyone of us. But it's just different like someone, afraid to the dark, or afraid of dangerous animal or fear of parting. My greatest fear is a shyness,such as feeiling embarrassment, feeling hesitant, worrying intensly and avoiding or not actively participating. .This makes me unsuccessful in some way. When i was young,I afriad to presentation in class. So i sneak into the toilet.Because when I was excited and scared, i will have a stomachache.
Even now ,i still feel that way. But if we not choose to do.It always remain in your heart to life. Because it's mistake to not go back to fix it again.  Therefore,you should do everyday to make the most the experiences and success in future.
Yosita Sakunrak ุ6010553679

My greatest fear is cockroach. Because it has a lot of germs. I've been searching for information about it and made me known something. So, it has multiple species. Almost the cockroaches that live in Thailand are American cockroach. Their shape is big and brown. Mustache of cockroach like radar that usually swing, but it doesn’t matter. Actually, I fear cockroaches when they fly. Many people have seen it fly and think like me. Yes, they make me fear. The wings of cockroaches are horrible and the voice of cockroach’s wings are noise. They live in the dark and damp. Most are located along the drain and like to eat rotten. It is very dirty and disgusting. When I saw them, I think cockroaches should not have in the world because they don’t have advantage and they make some people fear. Finally, I hope that not see them walk and fly more.

Kodchahem Wiriyapan 6010553369

Hello everyone ,For me i think the fear is the gift from the nature .The fear make me be careful so it can protect me from the danger. When i was young the nature give the greatest fear to me the fear of height . For other people it’s normally to stand on the hight place but for me it not. When i’m stand on the hight place like the top of the building and look down  it’s make me imagine that i’am falling down and gona die it’s so scary and the story that make me fear the hight place is when i was a child i stuck on rides at theme park and I couldn’t find the way out. I stuck on it for a long time and from that day i can’t stand on the hight place again.

Krittanant Audcharuk 6010553377

Hi everyone today I'm gonna talk about my greatest fear.Actually l fear of many things but my greatest fear
is ghost it's sound ridiculous but I'm really scared of it. I don't know why I scared this much because I have never seen any ghost maybe it's cause when I was younger I had heard many stories of ghost and my cousins all of them knew that I'm really scared so they always teasing me like when I go to the toilet alone at night they'll go to hide somewhere and wait till I walk pass them and they jump out to me and I was like screaming like a girl this's happened every time that go to somewhere at night sometimes even if I know my cousins hiding somewhere but I still shocked when they jumped out. Now I grow up but it's doesn't make me fear less so I take care of every step when I walk back to my room from the toilet.

Tithametha narapong 6010553482
